Here at Halla, we believe in the good meal! Eating good food should mean that you get all the nutrients that the body needs but also a tasty meal that you enjoy – from the first bite to the last.
We work actively for long-term sustainable development. It is important to us. It’s not just words we put in a document – we live by it.
Exploring the world makes you hungry. And to be curious and active, you need a nutritious diet.
Only Swedish ingredients and ingredients controlled in Sweden.
Specially developed for your dog’s needs.
Whole food frozen in handy small portions.
Meat-based whole food that covers the cat’s daily nutrition needs.
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Fri frakt på alla beställningar över 1200 kr
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Alla beställningar levereras inom 2–6 arbetsdagar
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Alla betalningar genomförs via våra säkra servrar. Vi accepterar alla vanliga kreditkort